JavaScript SPA: SPA Views and Routes New Horizons Lebanon
Price: TBA
  • Duration: 2 Hours

Course details

A JavaScript single page application, or SPA, uses a combination of JavaScript libraries and web development frameworks to communicate with the server, consume and manage data, and to display application views on screen. A SPA serves up a single HTML page in which all of the application views are rendered on the client, and data that is retrieved from the server can be cached and efficiently managed on the client. In this course, you will explore common server and client NuGet packages that you can install when developing your SPA from scratch. You will also learn how to create MVC 5 views and configure controller routes in Visual Studio 2013.

  • Topic T2 Objective O3
  • start the course
  • Topic T6 Objective O7
  • install the EntityFramework package using the NuGet package manager and manager console
  • Topic T10 Objective O11
  • install the EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact package using the NuGet package manager and manager console
  • Topic T14 Objective O15
  • install the ASP.NET Web API package using the NuGet package manager and manager console
  • Topic T18 Objective O19
  • install the ASP.NET Web Optimization package using the NuGet package manager and manager console
  • Topic T22 Objective O23
  • install and use the ASP.NET Razor package using the NuGet package manager
  • Topic T27 Objective O28
  • install and use the jQuery and Modernizr packages from NuGet
  • Topic T31 Objective O32
  • install and use the Twitter.Bootstrap package from NuGet using the NuGet package manager
  • Topic T35 Objective O36
  • install and use the FontAwesome uGet package
  • Topic T40 Objective O41
  • create a layout page for a JavaScript SPA in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T44 Objective O45
  • create an MVC 5 controller using C# in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T48 Objective O49
  • create and render JavaScript SPA script and style sheet bundles in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T52 Objective O53
  • configure controller routes for a JavaScript SPA using C# in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T56 Objective O57
  • create an MVC 5 controller using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T60 Objective O61
  • add a new MVC 5 view using C# in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T64 Objective O65
  • add an MVC 5 view using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T68 Objective O69
  • add and load MVC 5 partial views using C# in Visual Studio 2013
  • Topic T72 Objective O73
  • add and load MVC 5 partial views using
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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As changes in technology have accelerated, it’s become even more essential for people to master technology to be productive, invaluable employees who optimize, program and invent solutions—and even grow companies of their own. With over 300 centers in 60 countries, New Horizons is the world’s largest independent IT and Business training company. Over the past 35 years, New Horizons has delivered a full range of IT and business skills/Management training through innovative learning methods that have transformed businesses and helped over 35 million students reach their goals. New Horizons Lebanon branch was established in 1996.

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