Udemy Java Server Faces 2.2 ( JSF ) with Theory and Practice Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    This course will follow Oracle JSF certification topics and implement the required codes one by one while progressing. Here is the certification topics:

    Essentials of JSF2.0

    • Identify the features of JSF such as Facelets, BookMarkable View, AJAX support and the benefits they bring in
    • Identify the life cycle stages of JSF, flow of request processing, and purpose of FacesContext
    • Design XHTML pages using JSF HTML tag library and demonstrate usage of JSF implicit objects
    • Develop and associate model components with views using CDI Named beans and identify the advantages of CDI Named beans over Managed Bean
    • Manage user and application state using various scopes like flash, conversation, application, request, and session
    • Implement internationalization/Localization using resource bundle and Locale class

    JSF Navigation Model

    • Design JSF pages with static and dynamic implicit navigation
    • Configure faces-config XML file to implement navigation rules including conditional and redirection
    • Design bookmarkable views

    Data Conversion and Validation model

    • Implement data conversion model using JSF standard converters
    • Create, configure, and use custom converters
    • Identify the best suited standard validator and implement it in a given JSF application
    • Create, configure, and use custom validators
    • Describe the usage of bean validation

    Event Handling

    • Use CDI Named bean in a JSF application to handle action and valuechange events
    • Create and implement listeners to handle events
    • Develop JSF application that handle life cycle events
    • Implement asynchronous events using AJAX

    Data table and Composite Components

    • Design a DataTable with header and footer to populate and manipulate data from various components like Array, List, ResultSet, DataModel and describe the differences between dataTable and ui:repeat
    • Implement composite components in JSF application and enhance it using AJAX
    • Implement templates in a JSF application and describe the differences between ui:composition and ui:decorate

    Custom Components

    • Identify when and how to use custom components and custom renderers.
    • Enhance JSF application using HTML5 components
    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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