IWCF Drilling Well Control Training 2,3,4 Intertek
Price: USD 1,250
  • Duration: Upto 5 Days

Course details

Driller and supervisory level well control training for rotary drilling for surface and/or subsea stack. Theoretical and practical course providing candidates with an understanding of pressure control methods relating to the various well control operations.

Includes: Kill Sheets, Gauge Exercises, Well Control Formulas, IWCF Certification.
Delivery Methods: Simulations, Exam, Interactive Classroom Instructions.

Updated on 18 September, 2017

Eligibility / Requirements

Level 2 - No pre-requisitesLevel3/4 - IWCF Drilling Well Control level2

About Intertek

Intertek Consulting & Training provides specialized learning solutions for multi-national companies working in various sectors for over twenty years.  Annually, we train approximately 25,000 people in 40 countries and 15 languages. We make a difference by providing solutions that answer business challenges and more importantly, save lives. 
Our team of curriculum designers develop a wide variety of training materials that can be customized to each client to meet their specific needs and challenges.

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