ISO 29990:2010 Learning Service Providers (LSP) Certification International (S) Pte Ltd
Price: SGD 980

    Course details


    Day 1 - To provide the Learning Service Providers (LSPs) in nonformal education and training with the essential knowledge of ISO2999:2010 requirements.

    Day 2 - To train the staffs of the Learning Service Providers (LSP) in non-formal education and training to be the internal auditors to conduct the internal audit based on the relevant ISO29990:2010 requirements

    Day 3 - To provide Learning Service Providers (LSPs) in nonformal education and training with the basic understanding of MOM Technical Notes 1 and Course Specific Requirements

    Benefits of attending this Workshop…

    Day 1 - The knowledge gained facilitates LSPs to identify the gaps in their operations and management systems to meet ISO 29990:2010 requirements

    Day 2 - The training enables the key staffs of LSP to plan and conduct the internal auditing, report its findings and follow up on the corrective actions to meet the internal audit requirements of ISO 29990:2010

    Day 3 - The understanding acquired facilitates LSPs to identify the gaps in their learning service delivery and assessment processes to meet MOM Technical Notes and Course Specific Requirements

    Why Certification International?

    • The workshop is lead by an experienced and qualified ISO 29990 certification auditor, with valid credentials as IRCA (UK) Lead Auditor
    • Able to provide value-adding training from 3rd party auditor’s perspectives
    • Certification International has been conducting training courses since 1996 and has trained thousands of people from many different industries
    Updated on 13 August, 2015

    About Certification International (S) Pte Ltd

    Management systems improvement is not just about compliance to relevant standards, but about generating real benefits that add value to the organisation and its business activities.

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