ISO 22301: 201 2 (Business Continuity)Internal Auditor QuESH Academy
Price: TBA

    Course details

    Course Objectives

    The course aims to provide a structured training to impart knowledge of effective Business Continuity Management System - ISO 22301 which provides participants the framework and total program approach for analyze and implement strategies, processes and procedures to address the organizations' concerns of its survival against threats (unintentional / intentional, and naturally / emergencies, crises, and disasters that disrupt its functions).

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    About QuESH Academy

    We_They Consultants (Pte) Ltd was established in 2007 as a professional consulting company specialising in all aspects of Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health. Our mission is to assist organisations, large and small, to function with good operational practices. The services include providing one stop solution in establishing, implementing and maintaining Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health management system.

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