Udemy iPhone Apps: Code & Design Applications iOS 10 & Swift 3 Udemy
Price: AED 735

    Course details

    Learn building an iPhone application from scratch all the way to the App Store! 

    You will learn to code iPhone & iPad applications with latest technology: Swift 3 & iOS 10. You will also learn how to do basic design with for your application in order to be able to upload your app ideas to the App Store immediately!

    This is a comprehensive lesson aiming to teach you every aspect of iOS programming from scratch. So if you have a good application idea and if you always wanted to learn to create mobile apps then this course is definitely for you!

    You will learn useful skills about topics below:

    • Swift 3 Basics
    • Layout
    • Design with Sketch
    • Essentials of Swift
    • Push Notifications
    • Table Views
    • Parse
    • Firebase
    • One Signal
    • Cocoapods
    • GitHub
    • Working with Servers
    • AWS Server Setup
    • Social Media & Networks

    Content and Overview 

    This course is great for people who are eager to learn Swift 3 & iOS10. If you do not have any prior programming language or design experience it is totally fine. We will start from basics and make our way to the top! You will be ready to implement your own idea into a real application and upload it to the App Store when you finish this course!

    We will learn the related subjects and practice them by building applications like "Birthday Book", "Catch The Cartman Game", "Instagram Clone", "Travel Map", "Foursquare Clone" and much more... Furthermore you will have the chance to learn Push Notifications which is an uncovered subject in almost all of the online guides & courses!  On the top of everything you will get to learn both Firebase & Parse in this course whereas in most of the online guides you would have to choose one of them!

    I will also share the final source code of all applications that we create during the course. So you will be able to compare the products when you write your own applications! 

    Updated on 06 December, 2016
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