Udemy iOS7 Programming: Fast Start! Udemy
Price: AED 129
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this Fast Start course we'll look at some of the new features of iOS 7 and Xcode 5.

In less than 2.5 hours, you'll get up to speed and get a bird's eye view in what lies under the hood in Apple's biggest iOS update in 7 years!

The iOS 7 update makes significant changes to the look and feel of apps running on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices.

As a developer, you need to be prepared for these changes.

In this course, we assume you are already familiar with iOS development: we will only cover the most important changes and new features of the iOS 7 version of the operating system.

There are a total of 14 videos and each session will have a small quiz and assignment at the end of it. Source code, examples and power points for reference are provided for reference.

Section 1 - In the first session we'll cover the changes that have been made to the look and feel of iOS, along with a discussion of why these changes were made. We'll also take a high level view of the topics covered in the remaining three sessions.

Section 2 - Will cover Airdrop, a new API that allows file sharing between iOS devices. We'll also take a look at some of the changes made to the multitasking APIs.

Section 3 - This will be all about SpriteKit, an exciting new API that simplifies game development using a native 2D graphics engine. We'll also look at some of the changes in the GameKit framework as well as Game Controller integration with apps and devices.

Section 4 - In the final session we'll look at changes made to the Camera APIs: the ability to scan barcodes as well as the capability to shoot 60 FPS video at 720p resolution.

A topic wise overview -

Section 1 - An Introduction

- Welcome
- Where to get Xcode 5 and iOS 7
- Benefits of joining the Apple Developer network

User Interface changes
- What has been changed
- Why have these changes been made (why buttons don't look like buttons anymore, etc...)

Overview of what's new in the API (What will be covered in the four weeks)
- Airdrop and Multitasking
- Core Motion and Core Location
- Sprite Kit, Game Center and Game Controller

+ Hello World Demo

Section 2 - Airdrop and Multitasking
- What is Airdrop?
- Sharing files with airdrop
- Changes to the multitasking API
- Demos

Section 3 - Spritekit, Game Center, Game Controller

- Integrating with Game Center
- Using Game Controllers
- Spritekit Introduction - simple sprites, sprite motion, collision, and a mention of physics bodies is about all we'll be able to cover, due to time.
- Demo: A simple spritekit app

Section 4 - Camera updates

- video at 60 FPS / 720p
...Demo: detecting best video capture rate and frame size
- scanning barcodes
...Demo: setting up barcode detection and decoding barcodes

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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