International House Cairo Arabic (Live Online) International House Cairo
Price: USD 30
  • Locations: Cairo Cairo Cairo
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 1 Hour

    Course details

    IH Cairo-ILI is offering Live On-Line Courses in ECA (Egyptian Colloquial) and MSA (Modern Standard). You can now study Arabic with us from anywhere in the world in 'real classrooms' using Webex on one-to-one basis with one of our native speaker teachers and experience International House teaching and learning methods.

    We are offering the below discount module based on the number of hours you book:

    No. of hours     Hourly rate   Discount %   Hourly rate after discount
    1 to 12 ;      USD 25           0                               USD 25
    13 to 30 ;    USD 25         10 %                          USD
    31 to 46 ;    USD 25         15 %                          USD
    47 ;             USD 25          20 %                         USD Updated on 09 April, 2019

    About International House Cairo

    IH Cairo ILI is part of the International House Worldwide Organization (IHWO), which now has 150 schools worldwide. Established in 1975, we are now an official IHWO specialized Arabic language school. Since opening IH Cairo's doors in 1975, we have had thousands of international students learn with us every year.

    We are accredited by two big organizations:

    1- International House world organization (IHWO):

    It is one of the largest and oldest groups of language schools in the world, founded in 1953. They have a global network of over 150 affiliated private language schools in 52 countries, spanning every continent. Schools affiliate to International House to prove their dedication to quality teaching, facilities and student care.

    2- Eaquals Organization:

    It is an association of providers of language services with members in 22 different countries. It offers a widely accepted international quality accreditation scheme, and grants its quality label to institutions that meet its high standards in regular and rigorous inspections. Eaquals ensure, by their accreditation, effective teaching, clearly defined curriculum, and learning objectives and assessment are based upon the levels and principles of the common European framework. They also ensure that teachers are well qualified and well trained, and have access to external teaching resources. For more information

    We have spent 40 years educating and taking care of students and focused on developing and refining our teaching methodology, textbook resources and overall service standard. Our history and experience is what enables us to deliver the highest quality teaching, resources and services in a historical location.

    So, become a part of our history and let us help shape your future.

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