Course details

The Introduction to R is a primary course for aspiring data scientists who are currently working with Microsoft Excel, Matlab, Mathematica or SAS for numerical analysis of large sets of data. The course enables the candidates in using more powerful OpenSource environments especially the R programming language. R is a functional programming environment employed by many data analysts and data scientists, easily accessible to non-programmers and naturally extending a skill set that is common to data analysts and data scientists. It's the perfect tool for when the one has a statistical, numerical, or probabilities-based problem based on real data and they've pushed those tools past their limits. This fundamental course covers all the necessary topics required to kick start the candidates in working with R programming language.

This introductory course provides a complete coverage of the fundamentals of R programming language, including its uses, benefits and applications. The students who enroll in this course will move one step closer to become accomplished data scientists. The course covers the umbrella of technologies that are on the leading edge of data science development focused on R and related tools.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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