Introduction to phonology MECAT Education Training and Consulting
Price: AED 1,000

    Course details

    This course offers an introduction to the scientific examination of human languages by searching for answers to the questions, what does someone know when they know a language? How do they get that knowledge? The study of linguistics knowledge is divided into several areas: the study of sounds and their patterns (phonetics) and (phonology), words (morphology), sentences (syntax/grammar) and meanings (semantics and pragmatics). Linguistics also studies how linguistic knowledge is applied in social situations in different cultures (sociolinguistics), and how people learn languages (language acquisition and the role of the brain).


    Target Audience

    Teachers, principals, policy makers, and leaders. Qualified educators who want to pursue a career in education or develop their skillset in the field of education policy, education for special needs students, and educational reform.


    Learning Objectives

    At the completion of the training, participants will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles underlying the classification and description of speech sounds and prosodic patterns, the basic sound systems, and structure of English, including awareness of regional and social variation, and the difference between phonetic and phonological descriptions of both child and adult data, with emphasis on patterns of contrast and sequencing, and the skills involved in data analysis.

    Updated on 02 January, 2019

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    MECAT is a pioneering and innovative training academy that is unmatched in its forward-looking and scientific approach to training. We strive to build a creative, successful, well-rounded professional. Active learning constitutes our modus operandi and our methods utilize the latest in the world of educational neuroscience and technology.
    Our courses cover different areas including Business, Education, Social and Soft Skills Programs.

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