Introduction to Insurance In Arabic Arab Insurance Institute
Price: JOD 355

    Course details

    This course gives a thorough introduction to the basic principles and practices of insurance and its key disciplines.

    For all insurance personnel across any specialist area who either want to better understand the industry they work in, or to broaden their knowledge into other areas. 


    DAY 1:

    • The concept of risk and risk transfer
    • The role of risk management
    • Categories of risk, perils and hazards
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    About Arab Insurance Institute

    Created under the umbrella of the GAIF – General Arab Insurance Federation and owned by 40+ shareholders from insurance-related organizations from across the Arab world, The Arab Insurance Institute is an independent organization providing training and education to insurance-related organizations and inpiduals across Middle-East, Gulf and North Africa.

    their ctheirses and programmes are designed to support people from all disciplines in, or associated with, the insurance industry, both general and life; insurance and reinsurance providers, insurance brokers, loss adjusters, and insurance departments in other business sectors. The range of ctheirses is constantly expanding in response to demand.

    As experienced insurance practitioners and business leaders they know that in order to improve performance at work, training needs to develop practical skills as theyll as theoretical knowledge. To achieve this they bring together academic research, practical advice and guidance, professional development and rigorous standards to enhance technical competence and business capabilities. This is good for business, for society at large, and good for people's working lives.

    they combine of face-to-face delivery with the latest methods in technology-enabled learning, appropriate to the topic and programme requirements. Ctheirses are offered across the region, some from their permanent sites and others from temporary venues. their trainers are insurance practitioners and/or specialists in their field.

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