Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining (v16) Global Knowledge Egypt
Price: TBA

    Course details

    Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining (V16) is a two day course, that provides an overview of data mining and the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Modeler. The principles and practice of data mining are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. The course structure follows the stages of a typical data mining project, from collecting data, to data exploration, data transformation, and modeling to effective interpretation of the results. The course provides training in the basics of how to read, prepare, and explore data with IBM SPSS Modeler, and introduces the student to modeling.

    Target Audience:

    This basic course is for:Anyone who is new to IBM SPSS ModelerAnyone considering purchasing IBM SPSS ModelerAnyone interested in Data Mining


    Please refer to course overview for description information.


    You should have:

    • General computer literacy


    • Introduction to Data Mining
    • Working with Modeler
    • A Data-Mining Tour
    • Collecting Initial Data
    • Understanding your Data
    • Setting the Unit of Analysis
    • Integrating Data
    • Deriving and Reclassifying Fields
    • Looking for Relationships
    • Introduction to Modeling
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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