Intro to Engineering Models for Software & Web Developers Udemy
Price: USD 65
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Ihave been a software and web developer for decades and have always wanted to know how to design software and websites using engineering models. How do you design software withthe same sort of precision used to build skyscrapers,bridges, aircraft, and submarines?

This class is the first class in a series that is meant to teach software and web developers of all skill levels and abilitieseverything Iwish Iknewabout modeling software 20 years ago when Iwas making my first websites. This class is avery broad introduction, coveringengineering andengineering models, as well asall the types of engineeringmodels software and web developers can use for back-end and front-enddevelopment,databases, and project management. Engineering as a discipline is compared to architecture, design, art, and craftsmanship. Topics include structural models, behavioral models, managerial models, graphical models, simulations, prototypes, mock-ups, scale models, formal mathematical models,and more.

This is a class for introductory students as well as advanced practitioners.This is NOT a class where Iwill read the slides to you -- Idon't like that style of classmyself. Ihave tried to layer as much information as possible into the videosto make a class that students can watch and re-watch and find new bits of information each time.

This class contains lots of new information you will not find other places. Itried for many years to find this information before realizing it just wasn't out there and that Ineeded to create it myself. The engineering models presented in this class can help you design better software in less time and with fewer flaws and security vulnerabilities. These techniques are how you build security into software from the very beginning, rather than trying to tack on "security" at the end.

Updated on 11 March, 2020
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