Internal QMS Auditor for Aerospace Space Industry Skillnet
Price: TBA

    Course details

    This AS 9100 Internal Auditor training course is an ideal preparation if you intend to go on to audit, or design and implement, an aerospaceâ€focused Quality Management System.

    Course Content

    This course is provided by SQMC and is aimed developing your capability as an

    AS 9100 Internal Auditor. You will benefit from our positive and progressive approach to Internal Auditing training specifically for the Aerospace, Aviation and Defence industries.

    About Space Industry Skillnet

    The Space Industry Skillnet is an enterprise led training network that organises essential training for Irish companies who are or who want to be involved in the delivery of technology and services to the European Space Agency (ESA) in support of its space programmes ( The Space Industry Skillnet is a national training network and operates in all technology sectors. The objective of the Space Industry Skillnet is to encourage and enable more Irish companies to consider the space industry as a truly commercial opportunity and to provide them with the skills to do so. One of our aims is to attract Irish companies who would never have thought of operating in the space industry and to show how they can not only make a success of it in a unique and exciting industry but also use that knowledge and technology to spin off into wider ground based industries. This approach has been the true success story of the Irish industry presence in European Space Agency programmes.


    Being a member of the Space Industry Skillnet enables low cost access to high quality training that is relevant to your business. The training network will assist your company to overcome barriers that may be preventing it from reaching its potential through delivering state of the art training locally for employees at all levels in your organisation.


    Since 1999, Skillnets has facilitated over 60,000 Irish enterprises, in over 350 networks to improve the range, scope and quality of training and allowed over 275,000 employees to upskill and meet their work related training needs.

    The Skillnets experience has shown that there are major benefits from participating in the training network including:

    • Sharing best practice with other members
    • Developing new business opportunities
    • Enabling greater buying power for specialised training
    • Enabling greater buying power for specialised training
    • Access to a greater range of relevant training topics
    • Stimulates collaboration between members with innovation and R&D
    • Companies receive targeted training suited to their specific needs
    See all Space Industry Skillnet courses
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