Course details

Expand your knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL), the industry standard database programming language. In this course, you'll learn techniques that will enable you to write powerful queries that perform complicated searches and sorts on your data. First, you'll explore how to write and implement complex queries on multiple tables simultaneously and how to apply advanced filtering techniques. You'll learn to create union queries that combine records from multiple queries, and you'll discover how to use union queries to exclude or include duplicate records. In addition, you'll find out how to use text strings within union queries. Next, you'll master advanced techniques for updating various types of data stored in your tables. You'll learn how to update a single field, multiple fields, multiple records, date fields, and calculated fields. And you'll see how to update and set values using an update statement. In addition, you'll use advanced insertion techniques to add data to your tables and learn how to create, query, and modify temporary tables. You'll also see how to implement techniques to handle duplicate values stored in a table and how to limit the results of a result set. And finally, you'll discover how to use string functions to perform complicated searches on strings, how to implement date and time functions to insert and extract portions of a date, and how to create queries that accept input from users. By the end of this course, you'll be able to use a wide range of advanced SQL techniques with confidence. Your new skills with databases will enhance your competitiveness in the technical fields of software development and database administration. Updated on 15 March, 2018
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