INTEC Creative Writing Certificate Intec College
Price: USD 367
  • Duration: 12 to 18 Months

Course details

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT How many times have you witnessed an incident or overheard a conversation that triggered an idea for a short story? Without the techniques and skills, or the confidence in your own ability, you've probably found your writing efforts frustrating and disappointing. The INTEC Creative Writing course takes a detailed look at the crafting techniques used by professionals, and guides you to create a piece of polished, thought-provoking and original writing. You'll explore different forms of writing such as poetry, plays and novels - all supported by a qualified INTEC tutor. (Finuala Dowling is the author of this course - a published writer and lecturer.)

Course Content

  • Introduction to Creative Writing
  • Motivation (including personal publishing goals and publishing hints)
  • Inspiration
  • Sharing and rewriting (editing tips, workshops, forums and readings) Self Enrichment INTEC Creative Writing Certificate * This programme does not lead to a qualification on the NQF.
  • Personal narratives (diaries, reminiscences, anecdotes, family histories, and autobiographies)
  • Poetry (including imagery and metaphors)
  • Poetry as a warm-up exercise and an outlet Prose Writing
  • Plot
  • Setting
  • Character and action
  • Dialogue
  • Writing a short story
  • Writing a novel Plays and Scripts
  • Writing for stage and screen (including tips on markets)
  • Writing for radio
  • Writing a radio drama
  • Writing a film treatment
  • Writing scenes for a movie
  • Adapting a story for the screen
Updated on 04 August, 2016

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INTEC College offers the widest range of distance learning courses covering many disciplines from business to creative studies.

INTEC College is one of the South African market leaders in Further Education and Training via distance learning. 

INTEC is a modern South African college with a solid track record spanning more than 100 years. With its proud history, INTEC still remains relevant and continues to meet the cultural and academic needs of today’s student. 

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