Course details

The Instrument Making Department, which is based in a specially equipped work studio in the LSOM/LCFE campus in Mulgrave Street, was established and enjoys an international reputation with students traveling from abroad to attend this unique course. Artistry, craftsmanship and tradition are the foundation of the instrument making course. The instruments crafted on this course include Violins, Violas, 'Cellos, Double Basses, Guitars, Harps, Mandolins and Ukeleles.

The primary objective of the course is to provide students with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to enter the instrument making and repair field as professionals. Emphasis is placed on quality craftsmanship in the tradition of the 17th and 18th century classical masters whose models and methods of construction are utilised and studied. Modern construction methods are utilised in the construction of Guitars and Mandolins.

Students will work on a one-to-one and small group basis with the tutors. A balance of flexibility and structure ensures the development of disciplined work habits and the development of the technical and hand tool skills necessary to enter the field of instrument making and repair.

We are migrating this course to a FETAC Level 5 Award effective from September 2014.

As this is a specialised course and class sizes are limited to a maximum of 12 students early application is advisable.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Limerick School of Music

Theylcome to the Limerick School of Music (LSOM) Theybsite. LSOM, under the auspices of Limerick and Clare Education Training Board (LCETB) was founded. With a student enrolment of 1500 and a staff of 55, They are the largest provider of music education in the Mid-Theyst Region.


They are located in Mulgrave Street, in the heart of the city.

What They do

They provide tuition on all Orchestral instruments, Pipe Organ, Singing, Theory of Music, Classical Guitar and Speech and Drama, from Beginner to Diploma level.  In addition, They offer tuition in Instrument Making.

LSOM also provides outreach programmes at Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School, Janesboro, and at the Learning Hub Limerick on the Northside of the city in Kileely.

Our inspiring and dedicated staff are teachers and performers of the highest calibre.  As a student at LSOM you become part of an exciting, vibrant and supportive community of musicians.

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