Increasing Your Sales by Telephone - Including Appointment Making World Knowledge
Price: TBA

    Course details

    How do you justify the worth to a client, either existing or prospective, of giving you their time? This programme will demonstrate the idea of selling the first appointment. It shows you how to plan, include benefits, and deal with knock backs but with scope to return later, and how to make the most of every contact.

    Is it right for me?

    Anyone who is making sales appointments either for themselves or for others.

    What will I learn?

    By the end of this course you will be able to:

    • Grow skills that will improve your conversion ratio
    • Leave future opportunities in place
    • Increase the quality of the appointments you make
    • Design a plan for your future development

    What will it cover?

    What do we want from the call?

    • The importance of preparation for yourself, your product and your client!
    • Identifying the most to gain and the least acceptable
    • Developing ways of measuring call success.

    Getting past the blockers

    • Who are they?
    • Why do they do what they do?
    • Developing an empathy, working in cooperation not confrontation
    • Examples of techniques that work

    Justifying your request

    • Presenting benefits correctly
    • Avoiding the feature dump syndrome
    • Focusing on the customer not the product
    • Developing a conversational style

    Talking the right way

    • Demonstrating confidence
    • Not lecturing
    • Pacing and using silence correctly
    • Listening deeply and using relevant questions to create involvement
    • Making the call a pleasure – for all involved!
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About World Knowledge

    A subsidiary of We_They Strategies Corporation , We_They is a World performance improvement company and a leader in sales and technical training, management consulting, and engineering services.

    We help improve your organisational effectiveness through innovative and knowledgeable training, consulting, and business improvement services customised to meet your specific needs. With offices throughout The Middle East, we are strategically positioned to serve you at your locations around the world.

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