Improve Personal Effectiveness At Work Oaks Training
Price: SGD 256.80

    Course details

    This course will help you learn how to deal with difficult situations. 

    What will I learn?

    1. Emotion- The basic necessities in life
      • What is Emotional Intelligence
      • What relevance does EI have on me?
      • What are the key competences in EQ?
    2. Develop Core Competencies to increase your Emotional Intelligence
      • Self-Awareness
      • Emotion Management
      • Self-Motivation
      • Building relationship with others

    How will I benefit from taking this course?

    • Use the skills to increase their self-awareness to understand themselves better and that of others.
    • Apply the skills to manage their emotion in angry or stressful situations.
    • Apply the techniques to stay motivated and energized in their work.
    • Build better relationship with colleagues by knowing the keys to effective relationship and applying the taught to build relationship with them.
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Oaks Training

    Oaks Training operates as a closely knitted family with a team that is passionate in sharing knowledge and has a love for teaching. Our team's experience in training began as early as 1990. Oaks Training considers everyone (admin staff, trainers, management) who works in the company as a family member. Our philosophy is “Everyone is indispensable. Everyone plays a crucial part in the success of the company and for the benefit of our customers.

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