Course details
"Ignite - Sparking Self Employment" is a complete 6 month, full-time, Start Your Own Business, training programme. The programme will train and support you through every aspect of getting you and your business ready for self employment. You'll build your ideas, your confidence, your skills, your knowledge and your network. The focus at "Ignite - Sparking Self Employment" isn't learning about business, it's about learning to DO business…… your business! We have a panel of specialist speakers and trainers who will give daily talks and workshops throughout the programme. We'll also team you up with a Coach who will work day in and day out, to help get you up and running in your business. The coach will support you, train you, challenge you and encourage you every step of the way. They'll be like your personal trainer, but for business! Maybe you're half-way there? Maybe you have been trying to make it happen on your own? Maybe you have great skills and experience, but not the business know-how? Or maybe you don't even have a business idea or any business background. That's fine. We'll train and support you to find what YOU need to succeed. There really has never been a better time to start a business! Applicants for this Momentum Programme must be unemployed for longer and be in receipt of Job seekers Allowance / Benefit or on the Live Register for longer. Eligibility must be confirmed by DSP Employment Services.
Project Certification
Start Your Own Business
- Basic Cloud Accounting Skills
- Business Planning X03
- communications 03x
- Customer Service Skills 03X
- Market Research and Marketing Skills
- Presentation Skills 03X
- Professional Sales Skills
- Project Management Skills
- Start Your Own Business 03X
- Team Skills and Awareness
- Time Management Skills X03
- Understanding how SMEs Operate
- Applicants must be 18 years of age
- Leaving Certificate or equivalent work place experience Under 25s must have a skills based qualification to enable them to set up a business unless they have a relevant business idea
- Basic literacy and numeric skills Basic IT skills Competent English language skills- written and verbal.
- Skills and/ or experience relevant to their business idea or area that they would like to start a business would be of benefit
About Momentum Skills
MOMENTUM will fund the provision of free education and training projects to allow 6,500 jobseekers to gain skills and to access work opportunities in identified growing sectors. MOMENTUM will provide eligible jobseekers with
- Access to a range of quality education and training projects
- Links to identified job vacancies and employers
- Work placement and support
- Relevant industry and NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications) Certification.
MOMENTUM projects are designed to create a dynamic environment where talented and motivated people work together to make a difference in their lives and careers. This is an opportunity to unlock your talent, increase your skills, reveal your potential to employers and gain access to job vacancies.
See all Momentum Skills coursesGeneral Business Related Questions
- Business Administration Level 2 Course LineAED 90
AED 1,469Duration: Upto 4 Hours - Diploma for Project Manager Course LineAED 90
AED 1,616Duration: Upto 5 Hours