ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB) ICAEW
Price: GHS 84,199

    Course details

    The ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB) is a certificate-level qualification from ICAEW. It teaches essential knowledge and practical skills in finance, accounting and business.

    There are no set academic entry criteria, so ICAEW CFAB is open to all. So, if you are looking to increase your business skills, or are considering a career in business or want to start your own company - then ICAEW CFAB is ideal for you. This six-module qualification can be started at any time of year and can be studied on its own or alongside a college course, degree course or work commitments. So how you study and how long you take to complete ICAEW CFAB is 100% up to you! 

    Benefits of ICAEW CFAB

    • 97% of students would recommend it to others.
    • Gain the business-essential skills that employers look for in recruits.
    • Evidence your new skills as you progress - you get a certificate at each module.
    • Flexible study options - to fit in with your other commitments.
    • Potential entry route into chartered accountancy.

    You can join ICAEW CFAB:

    • From school
    • From university
    • As a working profession
    • As a career-changer
    Updated on 31 October, 2019

    About ICAEW

    Founded in the UK in 1880, ICAEW supports, develops and promotes over 144,000 chartered accountants in more than 160 countries worldwide. As a world leading professional membership organisation headquartered in London, we also have offices in Beijing, Brussels, Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

    We provide qualifications and professional development across accountancy, finance and business. Our chartered accountancy qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. We offer a range of leadership programmes, helping to transform finance specialists into business leaders.

    We share our knowledge, insight and technical expertise to influence the future of the global profession. Our thought leadership, industry and economic research, and technical updates ensure that we continue to advance accountancy and finance around the world.

    We act in the public interest to protect the quality and integrity of the accountancy and finance profession. As leaders in accountancy, finance and business our members have the knowledge, skills and commitment to maintain the highest professional standards and integrity. Together we contribute to the success of individuals, organisations, communities and economies around the world.

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