IBM DB2 9.8 pureScale Implementation and Control for DB2 LUW Administrators Global Knowledge Egypt
Price: TBA

    Course details

    This course is intended to help students prepare to plan, implement and provide on-going support for a DB2 9.8 pureScale database cluster. The course explains the differences between a DB2 9.8 pureScale database and the standard DB2 LUW database system running on a single host system. The students are expected to have experience working with DB2 LUW databases on UNIX, Microsoft Windows or Linux systems. The course is lecture-only, no lab exercises are performed during the class.

    Target Audience:

    This course is intended for experienced DB2 LUW database administrators. Basic DB2 LUW functions and administration tasks are not covered. For experienced database administrators that have not previously supported DB2 LUW databases, some pre-requisite training should be taken before attending this class.


    • Describe the major functional components of a DB2 pureScale database cluster
    • Explain how Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is used to efficiently process requests within a DB2 pureScale database
    • Describe the use of local and group buffer pools for reading pages with pureScale
    • Configure the Cluster Caching Facility options to support shared memory for buffer pool and global locking
    • Describe the workload balancing and automatic client routing options used for application connections to a pureScale database
    • Plan the installation of DB2 pureScale software for a database cluster
    • Estimate Cluster Caching Facility (CF) CPU and memory resources that will be needed to support your databases in the cluster
    • Migrate an existing DB2 9.7 database system to a DB2 pureScale clustered environment
    • Configure database manager and database member options for a DB2 pureScale cluster
    • List the steps required to migrate an existing DB2 9.7 database system to a DB2 9.8 pureScale cluster
    • Invoke the db2iupdt command to add or remove database members or cluster caching facilities from the cluster
    • Monitor the buffer pool efficiency of local and group buffer pools
    • Implement transaction-level workload balancing for application client systems to improve cluster resource usage
    • Explain the difference between Member Crash Recovery and Group Crash Recovery
    • Describe the use of multiple log streams for database members of a pureScale database
    • Use the db2cluster command to add and drop disk devices with DB2 managed GPFS file systems
    • Use the db2instance and db2cluster commands to show the current status and alter information for database members and cluster hosts
    • Query the DB2 cluster status using SQL functions and views


    The student could attend any of the following training courses to obtain the database administration skills that are prerequisites for the CL800 course:

    • DB2 9 Database Administration Workshop for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (CL2X2)
    • DB2 9 Database Administration Workshop for Linux (CL202) or
    • DB2 9 Database Administration Workshop for UNIX (CL212) or
    • DB2 9 Database Administration Workshop for Windows (CL232) or
    • Fast Path to DB2 9 for Experienced Relational DBAs (CL283) or
    • DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs (CL483) or
    • DB2 9 for LUW Multiple Partition DBA Workshop (CL24) or
    • DB2 9 for LUW Multiple Partition Environment for Single Partition DBAs (CL25)
    • or have equivalent experience
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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