Course details
This Introduction to the HTML5 stack concentrates on modern html for browsers and devices. Best practice is engendered throughout and all the latest html css and Javascript techniques are explored.
Introducing html: Tags and elements; Page hierarchy; Attributes: properties of elements; DOCTYPE and character encoding; Elements for marking up text
Development Tools: Adobe Brackets; Chrome Developer tools; Viewing source code; Mobile Emulation
Attribute groups: Core attributes; The id, class, title and style attributes
Core elements: The <html>, <head>, <title> and <body> elements; Links to style sheets and scripts; Content elements; Semantic tags
Basic text formatting: White space and flow; Creating headings, paragraphs and line breaks
Understanding block and inline elements: The <p> <header> <footer> <nav> <section> <article> and <aside> elements: The <hr> and <blockquote> elements
Working with lists: Creating unordered and ordered lists; Specify a marker with the type attribute; Definition lists; Nesting lists
Text-level semantics: The <span> <em> <strong> <b> and <i> elements; Other micro-markup tags; Marking text as editable; Using character entities for special characters; HTML Comments
Links and navigation: Linking to other web pages and within pages; Linking to e mail addresses; Absolute and relative urls; Creating source and destination anchors; The target attribute; The title attribute across HTML5
Adding images: The src, alt and title attributes; The height and width attributes; Adding images to a web page; Using images as links
Choosing the right image format: Gif, Jpeg and Png images; Keeping file size small; Images as design furniture: using css sprites
Adding video, and audio: Adding rich media with the <audio> and <video> elements; Controlling playback with the preload, autoplay, loop, and muted attributes; Using the poster attribute to customize the initial frame; Adding video playback controls; Adding audio; Containers and codecs
Tables: The <table> <tr> <td> and <th> elements; Creating a basic table; Spanning columns and rows; Splitting up tables using a head, body, and foot; Nested tables; Accessible tables
Introducing forms: Creating a form; The action and method attributes; Using id and name
Form controls: Single-line and multi-line text inputs; Password inputs; New html input types and attributes; Using the placeholder attribute; The required attribute; Creating buttons using the <input> and <button> elements; Using images for buttons; Check boxes and radio buttons; Select boxes: the <select> and <option> elements; Selecting multiple options with the multiple attribute; Grouping options with the <optgroup> element; Hidden controls; The <progress> element; Represent scalar measurement using <meter>; Create an autocomplete list with an <input> and <datalist> elements; Creating labels for controls and the <label> element
Form structure and interaction: Structuring your forms with <fieldset> and <legend> elements; Focus and tabbing order; Access keys; Disabling controls and setting to read-only; Sending form data to the server with Http get and post
Cascading style sheets : The <link> and <style> elements; Advantages of external style sheets; Controlling and formatting Text; Text pseudo-classes; Selectors; Lengths; The box model; Background styles; List styles; Table styles; Borders
Positioning and layout with css: Normal flow and the position property; Box offset properties; Relative, absolute and fixed positioning; The z-index property; Float and clear
The modular approach to css: More powerful css selectors; Advanced colour options; Control transparency with rgba, hsla, and the opacity property; Multi-column layout module and media queries; Custom fonts with the @font-face directive
Learning Javascript: Comments in Javascript; Create an external Javascript; The document object model (DOM); Accessing values using dot notation; The Javascript console
Variables: Assigning a value to a variable; Lifetime and scope of variables; Arithmetic, assignment and comparison operators; String concatenation
Functions: Defining and calling a function; The return statement; Function expressions and anonymous functions
Conditional statements: If and If-else statements; Switch statements
Looping: While, Do . . . while and For loops; Infinite loops and the break statement
Built-in objects: Manipulating strings with Javascript; Date and Math; Arrays and Objects
Updated on 08 November, 2015Course Location
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ITAG Skillnet is a network of over 50 companies involved in the IT sector in the Galway area. The companies range from micro start-ups to local multi-nationals with a strong IT emphasis. The training network evolved from the promoter organisation, the Information Technology Association Galway (ITAG).
ITAG Skillnet’s primary objective is to strengthen and develop the IT sector in Galway by improving competitiveness and reducing training costs, with investment in employees through tailored training and learning programmes. To date, ITAG Skillnet has trained over 2,000 employees from member companies.
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established in 1999 to support the development of workplace skills. The Training Networks Programme is a unique initiative and is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.
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