Course details
What Will You Learn?
You will be taught how to profit when stocks go up and how to "really" profit when stocks go down. You will learn one core trading strategy called the "DMA Template".
This template and training teaches you how to buy...
- Call and Put options
Also, within a week of joining you will learn a bonus technique called "The 10 Minute Strategy". It literally takes only 10 minutes and a few example trades have been recorded to show proof of concept.
We will teach you to paper trade first before you fund your brokerage account. Then in the training we will cover the different real money starting amounts as well as the pros and cons of each level.
How Long Does the Training Last?
The course is designed for beginners who know nothing about options trading and they are usually transformed into sophisticated investors in as little as 7 weeks. Those already familiar with options are welcome to join, but please keep in mind this course is for beginners.
As long as you can devote 1-2 hours a week to study, you'll be able to finish the course in roughly 30 days. However, this doesn't necessarily mean the skills are built up in this time, it just means you have the tools.
It will take roughly 6-8 weeks for you to get a good grasp on the concepts.
You'll Have Your Questions Answered During and After the Class!
Hello my name is Belema and I'm one of the support staff.
I, Travis, or Jenny will be answering any and all of your trading questions during (and after) the course.
I was one of Travis 1st students (class of 2010) and was into stocks and not options. My experience has been great. I was so amazed at how 'easy' it was to make money that at first I didn't believe it.
I use the term 'easy' loosely as it is also really easy to lose money if you don't know what you are doing which is why Travis encourages ALL students to paper trade until you are making consistent profit.
The amount of lives I have seen changed by the knowledge they have received is awesome. Travis had so much he was doing that I started off just volunteering to help until he insisted on paying me.
Being able to trade options is definitely a great skill to have even if you are not being taught by Travis; I highly suggest you learn this skill.
You take care and I'll see you in the class, Belema
Trading Road Map for the Mini Course
Think of your journey through this course as a profitable adventure and remember learning this skill is a marathon, not a sprint.
You can rush through the learning material if you so choose, but it will have an adverse affect on your ability to profit.
After all, no master of his/her craft ever became a master overnight.
Succeeding with options is very simple, not easy, but simple; if it was easy then everyone who ever picked up a trading book would be rich. BUT if you can commit to do the simple things then the possibilities to profit with options will be limitless.
"Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't"
-Jerry Rice-
As you proceed through the course please be mindful that I have strategically placed practical application exercises within the learning tutorials.
Please, please, please, do any assignments I give. The one thing that all the successful students have in common is that they followed the program and did all the exercises given!
Okay, enough of my rambles let's begin...
Getting Started Section
Watch me First
The "Watch Me First & Second" video(s) will give you an overview of the member's area. It also covers the main reason people fail at trading and I discuss a realistic time frame for success.
Your Road Map to Success
In this video you will learn the mantra and process that all successful students follow (you're going to L_____ then D_____).
- I'll walk you through a brief overview of the training videos...
- You'll learn about the options trading ladder of success...
- And you'll discover why trade alert services don't lead to success...
My Story From Failure to Success
In this section you'll learn how an alcoholic and suicidal kid became one of the most successful traders in the nation.
Opening a Brokerage Account
In this section I give you guidance on opening up your brokerage account (if you don't have one). You'll also learn the one phrase to avoid or else you won't get your account approved.
The Option Profit Formula and Work Pay Ratio Section
The work pay ratio teaches you how to work once, but get paid the rest of your life. In this section you'll learn about the formula we followed to become financially free without a million dollar account.
Also watch Parts 1 and 2 of the "Option Profit Formula" videos. These videos reveal the formula that was shared with me by a group of very wealthy and enlightened millionaires.
Essentially, they believed in "giving back" and by sharing this formula with you I am honoring all that they taught me.
It's VITALLY important that you understand the foundational concept and way of thinking in these videos as it's completely different than the traditional way of investing.
It may take some time to retool the way you think about investing, but once you do I think you'll enjoy the Option Profit Formula style of investing.
For instance, during a bear market your "total account value" may be down roughly 40% but you won't care as you'll still be making the same monthly income each month!
Watch the two "Option Profit Formula" videos to understand why...
Option Basics Section Lessons 1-4
The material in this section will make the difference between your success and your failure: "Option Basics".
ALL option strategies are nothing but the basics applied.
A great deal of traders scoff or turn up their nose at the basics and what they don't know is that every great trader is a great trader because they have the basics committed to memory.
Our option basics course has 4 parts to it. Please watch these videos several times and make sure you really understand the material.
The more you understand the basics the easier it will be for you to grasp the strategy you'll eventually learn.
The 10 Minute Strategy Section
In this section I give you a "proof of concept" strategy so you can get an early taste of the power and pitfalls of options trading.
- I start off by defining what an option chain is...
- And you'll learn the pitfalls of picking the wrong option...
And there's no need to do stock research as I give you a list of stocks to practice on.
Using a farming analogy, the material you have reviewed thus far was designed to prepare the soil. Now I will teach you how to plant and reap a harvest of financial reward.
Your "ultimate" success may not come quick. And most give up or get distracted before they reach success. Then years later their financial situation has not improved and they regret their earlier decisions.
I encourage you to have faith, keep pressing forward, and live life with no regrets. The work you put in is well worth the reward you will receive!
Bonus Training and the DMA Template
Next you move on to the core content of the course, learning how to place trades. And I start you off with a bonus training called "Buy and Manage Secrets". I show you a really simple approach that allowed us to more than double our 401K mutual fund account!
From this point on I will only summarize the major lessons within this portion of the course.
Intro to the 7 Step Process
This section introduces you to the 7 step foundational process of trading stock options. The 7 step process can be further broken down into 3 simple questions.
- What do you trade?
This is where I cover "fundamental analysis" (definition in the training). I walk you through the process of developing your stock watch list and I even made it easy for you. I created a stock watch list for you.
- When do you trade?
This is where I cover "technical analysis" (definition in the training). This will be an overview of the best times to enter and exit trades. You'll also learn why we don't use technical indicators as the law. A technical indicator assists you with entering and exiting trades, but price and volume determines your true entry and exit point.
- How do you manage risk and profits?
Managing risk is what most consider the most important aspect of successful options trading. This video will be the big picture abstract view. I'll also share why you should have an exit strategy planned out before you enter a trade.
The DMA Trading Template
There are several sub sections taught here, so here is a brief overview of what you will learn...
- You'll learn what the DMA template is...
- You'll be given a 3 step trade entry checklist...
- I'll show you the indicator that helps you determine the best direction to trade...
- I'll reveal a secret bid/ask spread trick that professional investors use...
- And then I follow up with a million dollar tip about the worst hour to trade...
- You learn how much money you should start trading with...
- The best path to take when you transition to real money...
- And I'll walk you through a bonus stock picking shortcut...
And then once you learn how the template works I leave you with a practical application exercise...
DMA Exit Strategies
Did you know stocks tell stories? Well, I'll teach you the importance of listening to the story the stock is telling you.
I also share the dangers of drinking a hope cocktail. Have you ever heard of a hope cocktail? It's a dangerous drink and should be avoided. Never drink and trade :)
I then reveal the secret to my trading success and I will teach you the 3 primary trade exits I use when trading options.
Full disclosure: There is a slight sexual portion in these videos where I teach you an analogy to help you understand why we trade the way we do.
At this point you have come such a long way since when you first started. I really hope by now you can see how amazing and how powerful options trading can be.
And I highly suggest you practice the DMA template on paper. There is something about seeing that money show up in your account.
It helps bridge the gap between theory and reality.
A lot of what you are learning will make absolutely NO SENSE until you apply it. We get those "I finally got it!" emails all the time (smile).
Successful Trade Management
In this section...
- You'll learn 2 key ingredients for success as a trader...
- I'll walk you through the best way to manage profits and losses...
- I'll walk through a few hypothetical examples on becoming a millionaire...
- I teach you my "not so secret" money management formula...
- We'll talk about the fact that 80-90% of traders focus on the wrong things...
- And I share how you don't need a winning trade ratio to make money...
Towards the end I introduce you to the 3 step process to trade both confidently and successfully. Please absorb the message in this section because if you lose too much money it will take 1-3 years to make it back!!!
Money Management Myths
In this lesson we cover the most important aspect of trading, learning how to keep your money.
- You'll learn how to develop a money management formula that works...
- You'll learn what pitfalls to avoid so you don't end up a losing trader...
- And if you're worried about having enough time to trade, don't worry. We'll help you develop an ideal weekly or daily trading routine...
At the end of this module you will understand WHY traders fail and what you can do to avoid losing all of your money.
You'll also understand HOW to actual accomplish what Warren Buffet, the worlds richest investor has been saying for years...
Rule #1: Don't lose money
Rule #2: Don't forget rule #1
Example Option Trades
Here is where I will personally trade my own account so you can watch me trade this strategy in real time. This is where theory will meet reality and you'll see how this strategy holds up to various market environments.
Parting Thoughts...
If you've followed the path I have laid out and implemented everything I've asked you to do then at this point you should have already seen some early success.
If not, please remember we are only an email away. We are here to help and the only stupid questions are the ones not asked.
I'll leave you with 2 quotes that have helped me on my path to success
"I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." John D. Rockefeller-
"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen." Wayne Dyer-
Here's to YOUR Divine Prosperity,
Trader Travis
P.S. Here's why I'm so persistent on following the rules and doing exercisessometimes we think we can take shortcuts and still get the same results. We think we have a smarter way.
Sometimes that's true. But when it comes to using time tested principles that have been developed through hundreds of hours and many years...trying a shortcut is shooting yourself in the foot.
That's the opposite of smart and it's why it took me so long to succeed.
Learn from my mistakes and you'll reach the end destination faster! Please follow the program (smile).
Investment Needed to Enroll in the Course
We receive a lot of emails inquiring about the financial investment needed to enroll in our training programs because everyone wants to make sure they have their affairs in order so they can join as soon as possible.
If you've been to one of those 1 day promotional seminars or browsed online for awhile then you know the industry average for options education of this quality is between 5,000 9,000 dollars. And 1-on-1 coaching can cost you 10,000 dollars plus.
Here is a link so you can see for yourself:
I myself had to invest roughly 9,000 dollars, but I ended my first year with around 20,000 dollars in profit.
When I was first introduced to options trading I thought the training's were expensive and if you happen to also think that's expensive you are absolutely right!
It's just one of those things where "you don't know what you don't know" and when you have no experience with trading options you have nothing to compare it to.
Again, the industry average for options education is between 5,000 - 9,000 dollars, but once you start trading options that 5,000 - 9,000 dollars will go from seeming expensive to being your monthly income you can easily earn.
And that's what I meant when I said if you have no experience trading options you have nothing to compare it to.
Our classes are custom made based on the needs of the group and so far I've been able to design training in the range of 2,000 5,000 dollars and our average student has a starting account size between 10,000 -30,000 dollars (some have much more and some have much less).
Not cheap by any means, but a little more affordable than the industry standard and with the same profitable results!
However, with this Mini Course I've decided to keep the investment below 1,000 dollars.
Make no mistake about it. Becoming a successful options trader is like becoming a member of a private club for wealthy people. There is a high price of entry, but it's soooo worth it!
And you are also worth the investment!
And if anyone understands the position you are in, it's me
You're in that same place I was many years ago where I was trying to decide if I should invest in my education and invest in my future or continue on the path of self education.
The path of self education is often called the poor man's journey and I stayed on that journey far too long.
It was tough, it was scary, but I stepped up and did what was best for me and my family and hundreds of thousands of dollars later I know that decision made all the difference!
My job is to get you to make a decision. Whether you say yes or no doesn't matter, its okay either way.
You just don't want to be paralyzed by inaction because even if you don't make a decision, you've still made a decision.
It's a decision that you're going to keep the same life that you have today!
So decide one way or another. If you're ready to step up then now is the time to act.
Opportunity waits for no one and I don't want you to pass this one up and then experience the bitter taste of regret. You are either remorseful or resourceful.
There is no power in regrets!
Selah, Travis Wilkerson (AKA Trader Travis)
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