Udemy How To Negotiate Your Offer - Determining What To Ask For Udemy
Price: AED 73

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    STOP! Don't Accept the First Offer…Unless you don't want to make more money.

    Consider these facts:

    FACT #1

    • Your base salary is the starting point that all future merit increases and raises will be calculated on…for the rest of your career.

    FACT #2

    •  According to a study in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, not negotiating could cost you more than $600,000 over the course of a typical career.

    FACT #3

    • Many people are so happy to get the job offer that they fail to negotiate their salary and end up leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

    You probably want to negotiate, but you don't know what to ask for, right? Or maybe you don't know what to say when it comes time to ask for more money.

    That's what you're going to learn in this class. Specifically you're going to:

    1. Create a Salary Calculation Worksheet so you know how much and what to ask for when negotiating your offer. Use this worksheet during your entire career each time you need to negotiate a new salary.
    2. Build Justifications to support what to ask for
    3. Practice Negotiating techniques that will aid you in delivering your news
    4. Determine your Market Value
    5. Use the Job Offer Checklist to gather all the information you'll need to determine what to ask for and to help you make your final decision
    6. Know when to ask for Monetary compensation or Non-Monetary Benefits. I provide lists of what's included for both.

    In the Bonus Sections you'll get:

    What Ifs - A list of 'what ifs' to help you determine your course of action depending on what the company says.

    Counter Offers - 4 questions to ask yourself if your current company decides they can't let you go and gives you a counter offer.

    With an investment of 2 hours of your time and through the use of videos, slides, spreadsheets, a quiz, and an article I'll walk you through step by step how to figure out what you're worth, and then how to negotiate to get it.  

    Don't leave money on the table!  You can negotiate for more.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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