Course details

Learn the basic, advance methods that you will need tooptimize your PC .

Gain more optimization knowledge

  • How to keep your PC fresh? 
  • What needed application?
  • When you use this application?

Why we need to optimize?

Big question need big answer, if course optimization it'svery important to keep your device healthy,

Optimization it's not just a command or a application runand optimize, optimization its routine,

Daily, weekly, monthly routine that help you to detect anyproblem you face.

Course overview

This course it's suitable for all users, its contain manysteps to optimize, through this course there are 6 lectures, easy don't worry.

Starting with basic steps to optimization, after that somehardware and software advises,

Also there are an advance steps lecture and how to use manyapplication to optimize.

After completing this course you will be able to do for yourdevice optimization any time.

Good Luck.

Updated on 04 April, 2018
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