How to draw hairy creatures in Photoshop... Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

It starts as a doodle, with some real photo references off to the side. No, not of a werewolf. Of some dogs. Then I show how it can be fun to create a spontaneous illustration of a crazy fictitious creature... But then also, show how challenging it can be to try and make it into something acceptable to the artist when you follow that path. It's a great exercise, and you will witness me struggling a t a few points and then finally resolve where I want to go with this kind image. I believe it is important to share this aspect, as I have met many artists who run into those snags where the art just doesn't feel right to them. And then they STOP. Don't stop! Look for alternative paths! The ending can be rewarding.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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