Udemy How to Create an Online Course: Build YOUR Freedom Business! Udemy
Price: AED 716

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    [Update for 2017: This is YOUR year to make money online! Nothing creates more income faster online than online courses! So follow this course and get your first course (or 2nd, 3rd...) Done in 2017!  YOU CAN DO THIS!]


    Learn how to make money online and create income from your Skills + Knowledge + Passions by teaching online courses with this simple and fast step by step system. Learn: How to make a Udemy course.

    Don't just earn income from one task or job at time! Record what you do and what you know as an online course, then share that knowledge and sell that same course over and over again to thousands of people! 

    It's the same business model as writing a book, or creating a software program, or recording a song. Create your product once, then sell copies of it many times. That's how you scale and leverage your time like authors, software developers, or musicians do...

    Transform yourself from someone who trades dollars for hours, and can only make as much money as you have hours to trade...

    ...Into someone who invests several hours creating an awesome online course, then gets paid for those same hours and that course over and over again! Learn: How to create an online course.

    In this course, I show you how to make money online, step-by-step, by quickly creating your own, high quality online course...

    ... And I also show you how to market and sell your course FASTER, and at HIGHER PRICES, with a product launch system. Learn: How to make money online.


    I'm also going to show you one of the most profitable ways to sell a lot of courses in a really short time frame... The Product Launch System. 

    A product launch system is THE most effective and profitable way, hands down, to sell online products and ALL the top online marketers use it! Now you can too...

    This course will show you how to market and sell your course FASTER, and at HIGHER PRICES, with a product launch system

    A product launch system is 5 to 8 times MORE profitable than any other marketing system. It works like magic, even if you've never created an online course before!

    [Two New Bonus Lessons Just Added!]

    1: How To Sell Your Online Courses On Udemy - Discover how to sell more courses on Udemy by optimizing all the most important marketing strategies and tactics available that deal with your course image, promo video, sales page, and student reviews. Learn how to create a udemy course at the same time you create a regular online course.

    2: How To Sell Your Online Courses On Udemy (Part 2) - Learn how to optimize and maximize your promotion tools to sell more of your courses at higher prices. Powerful course marketing topics are shown to you here, step-by-step, like: course coupon promotions, affiliate marketing, regular updates to your course summary, and monthly email promotions to your students where you can sell them other new and existing courses.


    Read What Students Have To Say  About This Course:

    "Very complete guide on how to build your own list and then launch your course to them. Highly recommended!"  - Kim Anthony Aaronson

    "Yep, it was really good. I especially liked the tools and the fact that it's very organized. I strongly recommend it."  - Fabiola de Machado

    "Excellent advices, easy to understand and follow, structured information easy to memorize so you can apply it quickly to your own case"  - Sonia Malemant


    21 Extra Bonus Lectures Included:  These bonus lectures show you, step-by-step, how to set up your own lectures on Keynote/PowerPoint, how to record your video lectures on ScreenFlow/Camtasia, how to create animated logos, add intro and outros to your lectures, and much more. Wow! I'm practically giving you a whole 2nd course for free!


    After Finishing This Course, You Will:

    Transform yourself from someone who trades dollars for hours, and can only make as much money as you have hours to trade...

    ...into someone who invests several hours creating an awesome online course, then gets paid for those same hours and that course over and over again!

    That's the magic of leveraging and scaling your time with a product that you create, rather than just getting paid for only the hours you show up to work for someone else

    Authors use it... Musicians use it... Software developers use it... now you can use it with online courses!

    Be free, live life on YOUR own terms. Earn money for what YOU know, what YOU are passionate about.

    Create online courses and live where you want, work when and where you want, travel the world, or just have more free time at home.

    This is also a great course to learn how to make a Udemy course, and how to make an online course in general that you can host and sell on pretty much any platform.

    So What Are You Waiting For? Take Action!  Click the Green "Take This Course" button above and let's get started


    Here's What You'll Learn In This Course:

    • How to find your Profitable course idea
    • How to price your course & set income goals
    • Learn how to quickly outline your course
    • How to record a high quality course the easy way
    • Learn to create an awesome sales page & promo video
    • How to build your email list of fans & customers for life. HUGE!
    • Learn to sell your course using a product launch system. HUGE!
    • How to master the post launch follow up for huge future sales
    • How to build an online course for use on any platform

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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