Udemy How to Create a Membership Forum Website With Joomla Udemy
Price: AED 349

    Course details

    One of the keys to running a successful business is providing excellent customer support. Study shows that you can increase your sales and productivity by a whopping 400% just by offering great customer support.

    When your clients need help and can't get it immediately or find somewhere to get it, they get frustrated and angry which is what you don't want. Let's face it, running your business takes up so much of your time that you can't provide the support your clients deserve. That's why it's time to create a forum to better assist them.

    In this course, you will learn how to create a forum that will alleviate so much time and headache off your plate.

    Some of the features of the forum created in this course includes:

    WYSIWYG Editors

    Compose your questions or post replies with the built-in text editors, TinyMCE, JCE Editor, RedactorJS and many more! Add some fun into your text with BBCodes, too.

    Remote Publishing

    Even if you are away from your computer, you can still post by emailing to a pre-defined email address in your forum where it fetches your posts from the mailbox and automatically post in the discussions for you.


    Make your posts interesting by inserting images, PDFs and videos into discussions. It will also make reading posts easily understood.

    Favorite Posts

    You can keep the best posts above the rest by setting them into favorites. It works like a bookmark for posts.

    Code Syntax

    Advanced users can customize posts by adding in special codes into the discussions.

    URL Tagging

    You can attach URLs that are relevant to the forum to better cross-refer your posts.


    Tag your discussions with relevant keywords for future reference and easy searchability.

    Location Services

    Share and tag the location of your discussions with images of maps, powered by Google Maps.

    User Roles

    Assign users to a specific group and limit what they can see or do.

    Badges & Points

    Award user badges and points based on their interaction and involvement in the forum.


    You can see the demo forum of what you will be creating here.

    The Bottom Line

    When you take care of your clients, they will continue taking care of you.

    Extra Resources

    For more resources, click here

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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