Udemy How to Build a Buffer of Personal Money & Stay Out of Debt Udemy
Price: AED 349

    Course details

    The goal of these tutorials is to help you direct cash to places that improve your financial life, even before taking steps to increase your earnings.

    Each lecture comprises a video tutorial explaining the reasoning behind a particular step and your next action. 

    You are also provided with templates and a done for you calculator to enable you to speed up your progress. Plus examples of how to use them. 

    The aim of this course is to give you an overview and a structure to start taking back control of how your money flows in and out of your life. 

    Money management is an ongoing process and improves over time. Many people just do not know where to start and are overwhelmed by financial jargon. This course moves you from the starting blocks, in plain English, without drowning you in too much information. 

    I believe that if you follow all the steps in this course there is no reason you won't make back the cost of the course' and more, in savings and "hidden" cash.

    Updated on 05 October, 2016
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