Udemy How to be Happy - Be Happy and Mindful at all times Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    Happiness secrets for everyone to apply easily in life!

    Vikas Malkani, one of the world's leading teachers of personal growth shares 9 simple and effective secrets on how to enjoy happiness everyday.

    If you wish to enhance joy, create better relationships, manifest greater success and expand your life experience, the practical wisdom and effective techniques that Vikas shares will bring multiple benefits.

    The lessons shared are easy to apply in daily life, and bring fast, tangible benefits.

    Vikas makes enlightened wisdom very easy to understand, so everyone can benefit and grow. In this lesson, he will guide you step by step on how to raise your level of happiness in daily life, regardless of what is happening in your external world. You will learn more about your own self and also better understand the world that you live in.

    'You are the author of your own life story' says Vikas. Join him in this simple but powerful teaching, where he shows you the way to make your life into a beautiful masterpiece of happiness and joy.

    Updated on 27 November, 2015
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