Course details

In this course, you are going to learn how to balance your energy and energize yourself with simple guided exercises, at home or in the office. All exercises are clearly demonstrated, in high-quality video lectures, so you can learn the routines and make them part of your life.

You will learn about your personal energy field (also called Human Energy Field) and how it affects your everyday life. You will look at the characteristics of the seven energy centers (also called chakras) and how important they are to a balanced life.

Designed to help you open your energy centers and charge your energy field, the guided exercises will allow you to energize and balance yourself wherever you are, including at the office.

With these exercises, you can refresh your energy whenever you need it, whether you are under stress, feel out of balance, tired or just want to keep yourself energized. Incorporating the exercises in your morning routine will make a big difference in your day. Students from my workshops have reported feeling more relaxed, present, energized, and awake, as well as having a clearer, more refreshed mind, after doing my exercises.

You will also learn how to feel energy (which is much easier than people think) and how to feel into your own energy field. Then, you will be taught simple energy balancing techniques (or energy healing techniques) that you can use to balance your personal energy field and your energy centers.

Finally, I included seven soundtracks at the end of the course that you can use to help stimulate and open your seven chakras, as well as create a calm, meditative state, when you do the guided exercises.

This is a great course for anyone with an open mind who wants to learn about energy and how to balance one's own energy using clear, well-designed, practical exercises. This course offers you invaluable tools that you can use daily to ultimately change your life.

Updated on 03 August, 2017

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