Course details
Doyou want a rewarding career filled with opportunity?
Areyou searching for a field that presents a new day with a different experience?
Ifyou are a motivated and passionate Hotel - Tourism student interestedin learning from a professional with years of experience in this field this iscourse for you! You will learn first-hand how to get ahead in starting yourcareer and what to expect . You will learn how to prepare for a careerthat never sleeps and is 24 hours. Taking this valuable information taught inthis class should help you strive for excellence when stepping into thisfast pace career where each day presents a new opportunity , a newexperience and a new lesson learned.
Itook everything I learned throughout the years while working in the industry,to starting my own online business selling online courses to teach motivatedstudents about the field. When you are a professional and have some notches onyour career belt, you are suppose to pass on your knowledge to others tohelp them be better in their careers.
General Business Related Questions
- Project Manager JanetsAED 38Duration: Upto 10 Hours
- Start Your Business International Open AcademyAED 75
AED 775Duration: 30 Hours