Udemy Hitting Home Runs Using Fitness And Strength Techniques Udemy
Price: AED 184

    Course details

    The student will learn how to use bands and weights for more strength to swing faster and more explosively.  This will be beneficial to the adult softball player but also for baseball players at most levels.  The fitness coach breaks down the swing and shows how to swing explosively.  

    Can you imagine adding distance to every ball you hit?  

    What if you could be a better coach or parent and help your athletes further?

    What would it mean if you understand how to swing properly and at the same time develop the strategies to become more powerful?  

    You will get this and much more including nutrition, extra core strength ideas, and the things that destroy explosive power in the swing.  

    Jeremy still hits home runs despite turning 40 years old.  His swing has not suffered and he wants you to learn the failures he has had so you do not have to.  If you will invest a little time and effort you to can hit further!  

    Updated on 18 February, 2018
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