Hindi for non Hindi Speakers Excellence Training Centre
Price: AED 1,350
  • Location: JLT - Dubai
  • Duration: 20 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Evenings

Course details

Who is it for-
This course is meant for all those who are desirous of learning how to speak Hindi , how to interact in the spoken word in Hindi. Hindi the Language of the land of ancient wisdom and civilization is also the language spoken by the working masses in UAE. It is the language of mutual communication of the Indian intellectual Diaspora. As India progresses, as one of the largest market economies of the world, Hindi which has for ages been the object of reflective thinkers and scholars is now one of the sought after languages.
How will this course benefit-
This short term course is designed to benefit the learner in-
  • Simple basic conversations in Hindi
  • Understanding of the basic phrases needed for quotidian conversation
  • Travelling and exploring India equipped with the ability to communicate in the local language
  • Communicating with Indian workers and professionals who are spread all over the world
  • Learning conversations in Hindi in the standard grammatical form
At the end of the course the learner will
  • Be able to manage basic conversations in Hindi
  • Make enquiries on general matters 
  • Answer enquiries in Hindi
  • Exchange information in Hindi
  • Learn the basic expressions needed for travellers 
  • Understand the numerical structure in Hindi
Method of teaching
For the benefit of maximum number of learners, we adopt two methods of deliverance of teaching
Course in the English script
To benefit those learners whose sole objective is to learn conversational Hindi and who wish to skip learning the Hindi script , we have a specially designed course which is transcribed in English .
Course in Hindi script
Those learners who wish to learn the script as well as conversational language , we offer the same course in the Hindi script also.
Our approach is pragmatic, learner friendly , effective and based on the standard form of Hindi.
What will I learn
Here is the content of the Course
  1. Greetings , common phrases
  2. Basic vocabulary
  3. Nouns, pronouns
  4. Words of existence,
  5. Verbs, simple adjectives, prepositions
  6. Gender, Tense, singular and plural
  7. Numbers,
  8. Negative and interrogative sentences
  9. Giving orders and requests
  10. Concept of time; asking and telling time in Hindi, phrases for time
  11. States of being, emotions
  12. Complaining
Updated on 12 October, 2020

About Excellence Training Centre

Excellence training Centre is located in JLT, is a training centre for languages and personality development. The training centre specializes in providing language solutions for all language requirements- personal, social, professional, academic and creative. The Training centre is a hallmark for excellence in teaching, dedication and deliverance. Be a part of the institute to partake and benefit from its array of language courses.

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