Course details
This Meditative Acupressure course teaches how to reduce significantly the negative effects of anger and/or resentment on the body-mind.
The style demonstrated in this course is more energetic and meditative rather than simply mechanical or reflex.
Aim of the course: to develop the feelings and inner experience, more than the knowledge.
Everything is done to make it easy for the beginner, and for the more experienced student, many clues are given to help him progress in his own practice.
Students are guided step by step in their learning experience.
The course PDF downloadable document gives all necessary information for the students to know precisely how, when and why to do what they are doing when practicing Meditative Acupressure.
Each emotional state (anger/rsentment) is treated at length throughout 3 videos:
- Introduction: main outlines
- Energy Points: localisation, name, effects
- Guided Practices: I demonstrate the practice itself as if I had my student's same needs to rebalance my body-mind energy in order to feel better with myself and with my environment.
Meditative Acupressure is a very positive way to get back in touch with one self, and to teach one self very precious life skills:
- balancing one self's vital energy
- improving one self's health and daily life quality
- contributing to a better world
Practicing Meditative Acupressure will allow you to face the daily life situations you may find difficult to deal with in an much positive and creative way than it used to be.
Updated on 22 March, 2018Alternative Medicine Related Questions
- AED 62
AED 661Duration: Upto 6 Hours - AED 38Duration: Upto 2 Weeks