Hashcat For Penetration Testers Udemy
Price: USD 50
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course teaches security professionals and ethical hackers how to use Hashcat. This tool will allow hackers to crack hashed secrets such as passwords, secret keys, etc, using Linux (e.g. Kali Linux) or Windows operating systems. On top of that, Hashcat is the world's fastest and most advanced password cracking utility. As a result, it is widely used in multiple hacking scenarios (e.g., Penetration Testing, CTF, cybersecurity exams such as the OSCP, and much more ).

The student will learn all the functionalities of this tool to use it in their professional career. However, using this tool can sometimes be confusing, and this course's goal is to cover all the options inside Hashcat with practical scenarios. Also, students will learn the basics of hashing algorithms to understand how to manipulate them during the cracking process. During this course, students will understand the different attack types used in Hashcat (e.g., straight attack, combinator attack, hybrid attack, brute-force attack, and mask attack). Also, students will learn how to overpower Hashcat using professional cracking rigs. All these learning phases will use practical scenarios so students can follow along on their end.

By the end of this course, students will start using Hashcat with ease to start cracking hashes.

Updated on 02 May, 2023
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