Handling Difficult Customers Universal Stage
Price: SGD 500

    Course details

    The customer revolution is here to stay. As products and services become more and more alike, the competitive edge hastocomefrom theexperiencethecustomer has with your organisation.

    Customers complain about the treatment and the level of service they receive. The overall goal is to maximise that experience, so the customer not only returns time after time, but also encourages others to do the same. The real magic in customer service delivery comes from the ability of your people to use initiative to go beyond their normal job descriptions and to go the extra mile to impress the customer.

    This challenging and highly participative workshop will equip your customer service personal with the necessary skills and motivation to provide world-class service.

    Programme Objectives

    At the end ofprogrammeparticipantsshouldbeable to:

    • Explain the benefits of excellent customer service
    • Define what customer care looks like
    • Analyse those companies that do it well and learn from them
    • Describe the difference between internal and external customers
    • Explain how questioning and listening are vital tools in the provision of customer service
    • Describe how to deal with difficult customers effectively
    • Explain how to turn complaints into opportunities
    • List the customer service tools available and how/when to use them
    • Develop techniques for handling stressful situation and fixing things when they go wrong
    • Implement personal motivation techniques to create excellent first impressions

    Programme Outline

    1. Understanding the 4 personality types of customers
    2. Dealing with difficult customers
    3. Negotiating a two-way agreement
    4. The keys to exceeding customer expectations
    5. Step process to defuse emotions
    Updated on 12 August, 2015

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    We_They is an agile business development company with extraordinary client relationships that uses strategic insights to deploy multiple expertise in training, project management and branding for better results. 

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