Course details
Can you practice Reiki after graduating an online course?
Absolutely NOT!.Will you trust a carpenter who never held a hammer in his life to build your house? It is the same with Reiki online. Traditional Reikiforbids distant attunementsalthough it is a widely spread technique. How can you practicehealingothers just by paying 10-50 $ sitting on a couch? Because of the superficial,manipulating and confortable world we live in todayPersonal Experiences are the most priceless. How can youpractice anancienthealing technique without even knowing the face of your master? How he is as a person? How you feel around him/her?This course will present everythingyou need to know in order for younot to be fooledand to help you practice real Reiki.
There are so many questions you should ask yourselves before actually believing people behind fancy diplomas and well made videos. Reiki relies on the contact with other people. How can you touch somebody else when you don't evenknow the touch of your master feels?All the people whichhave been practicing Reiki for a long time and that actually have good result on others have personal attunements. Take this course and change your life for the better:).
In this course you will learn about Reiki, an ancient healing technique that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. Reiki helps people,pets, plants, itcan even purify objects and rooms and can change the outcome of any situation in your life or in the life of others, practiced correctly of course.
Find out how Reiki can help you, your family and your friends.
Have you ever felt that there is more to life than just work andresponsibilities?
Are you inclined towards energy,intuition orpasions,but you just dont know where to start?
Are you searching for a Reiki course that respects the traditional teachings of the ones who discovered it, a course withwitch you can connect to?
An instructorand life coachthat can open up and help you, andalso one that has aninternationally recognized certification?
Do you feel the need for validation and to be recognized by those who matter to you?
You will have the opportunityto connect an active online communityandpeople that share your beliefs and experiences,withpeople i have helped through out the years.
What is this course about?
In this course you will learn
how Energy works and how itaffects everything around us.
Learn the true facts behind Reiki, its legend, its history and how it can positively change your life for the better.
All the necessary teachings of Reiki Level 1 will be revealed in this course-from general notions to advance Level 1 usage and all its secrets. You will gain a deeper understanding aboutlife,be more calm, learn how to change your perspective about the things that happen in your life and how to stop letting them affect you -this course contains the explanations of all the bodies that make up a person.
Additional benefitsof this course include being able togrow spiritually, improve yourself worth, be morecentred and calmin your everyday life,live atahigher level of energy,noticesynchronicitiesandattract abundanceinto your life.
Why take this course ?
This course in accordance with the Reiki Aliance teachings.
The course'scontent respects the teachings of Japanese Reiki Masters
It's comprehensive and very detailed reaching out to attuned people who want to improve their practice and unattunedpeople who want to learn the truth about this ancient healing method.
It will increase the level of awareness regardingthings and peoplearound you
Work through the material while having continuous access to ask your Certified Reiki Teacher questions
No hurry! You can finish this course when ever you want, at your own paceunlike an in-person course
I will continue to add more helpful information to this course over time -and with yourlifetime accessyou can access the new information whenever you choose.
You will be given additional materials
Therapeuticall breviary containing more then 50 most commondiseases and how to heal them using specific hand placements and practical advices for daily use that help attuned people andunnatunedpeople.
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