Course details

Dear potential student,

Are you at a startup or thinking of starting one? Are you struggling with the question of how to quickly build a userbase for your product? Do you have no money to spend on marketing?

This class is for you.

In the past few years, a handful of people have emerged that have been able to hack growth for products, growing them from 0 to 10+ million users in a matter of months with little to no marketing (read lean marketing).

They call themselves "growth hackers" and they built companies like Facebook, Dropbox, Zynga, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Appsumo to where they are today.

A growth hacker is a rare combination: someone with the right marketing and technical skills who can come up with clever marketing hacks and also track their results.

So where do you find this rare creature? You don't. They're being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for their expertise at startups and venture funds.

But don't give up. You too can learn growth hacking and be a growth hacker.

Growth hackers weren't born that way. They learned a unique set of skills by being in the right place at the right time, and with the right people.

I wanted to figure out what those skills and secrets were. So I started reading up on all the growth hacks. Then I reached out to some of the most famous growth hackers and asked them to learn their secrets. And they told me! (Growth hackers love showing off.)

You'd be amazed at what I learned! Some of it is so effective and so easy to copy that I can't believe more people aren't doing it.

Some of my best friends work at startups, and I see how much they struggle to get new users for their product. I started telling them about what I learned. One of them used growth hacking techniques to get 60k new users in 60 hours!

So I took what I learned and turned it into a class teaching growth hacking.

In this growth hacking and lean marketing class, you'll learn:

  • The secrets of how the world's fastest growing companies got their first million users
  • The lean marketing funnel and how it makes figuring out the right strategies easy (and best of all, you waste less money!)
  • What tools only growth hackers know about for quickly building hacks with almost no time or experience necessary
  • The most innovative growth hacks that could double your userbase literally overnight

This class contains hours of video content, live sessions, case studies and over a dozen lean marketing strategies you can implement immediately.

It's right for just about any level - from beginner to experienced, from entrepreneur to designer to coder to marketer. No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn something insightful from this class (see testimonials below for proof).

I also personally respond to any questions my students have, so there's no worry about getting stuck or not knowing how to apply it to your company. So sign up now!

Talk soon,

Mattan Griffel

P.S. The $49 price is meant to be an introductory offer to build the students and positive reviews. I plan on doubling the price very soon - maybe in the next few days. So if you want to make sure you get in at this special price, sign up now. You won't regret it (but if you wait, you might).

"By far the best description and practical advice on growth hacking I've seen." – Andrew Dumont, BD at SEOmoz

"This is pure gold." – Eric Rattner, Account Manager at HEBSnyc

"Thanks for a great lecture. You gave a very useful framework to get started with funnel analysis." – Joel Kemp, @hackny Fellow 2012

"Very helpful insights about Growth Hacking. Super interesting topic." – Niklas Jansen, Co-founder and CPO of Blinkist

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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