GRE – Graduate Record Examination Test Preparation Academia International

Course details

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examinations. It is a standardized aptitude examination with a pre-defined syllabus. Without doubt it is one of the most generally accepted admissions assessments for graduate and post grad business school programs, and is used for admissions decisions for all types of master's, MBA, specialized master's in business, and doctoral programs.

  There are two types of GRE examinations. The GRE General Test that in fact measures verbal understanding, quantitative understanding, critical problem solving and in-depth writing skills — the types of capabilities necessary for success in today's demanding graduate and business school programs — in addition to GRE Subject Examination that measures understanding of a certain field assisting students outshine other applicants by putting an emphasis on their own information and talent level in a specific region.

  Preparation is key to acquiring a good marks within the GRE. Investing time and effort in getting ready for the exam is basically a important element in the assessment using approach. Academia will provide quality GRE training that in fact makes sure students find the very best possible preparation.

The GRE is a multiple-choice multi-stage test that measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It has been designed in a way so as to calculate the student's intellectual and logical abilities, adapting to performance by selecting questions based on previous answers. The test allows its takers to skip questions within a section, go back and change answers and have the flexibility to choose which questions within a section they want to answer first.

The GRE question types are designed to closely reflect the kind of thinking that students will be expected to do in graduate or business school and are based upon the following skills:

  • Verbal Reasoning - This section measures a student's ability to analyze and evaluate written material and to synthesize information obtained from it. It measures the ability to analyze relationships among component parts of sentences and recognize relationships among concepts and words. 
  • Quantitative Reasoning - This section measures a student's problem-solving ability and focusses on basic concepts of algebra, arithmetic, data analysis and geometry. 
  • Analytical Writing - This section measuresanalytical writing skills and critical thinking. It specifically measure's a student's ability to articulate and support ideas that are complex in nature both clearly and effectively. 

Updated on 20 October, 2016

About Academia International

Academia International is a trusted organization that operates with a number of overseas universities including UK, US, Canada, Malaysia and UAE. We have a team of dedicated advisers with abundant knowledge of international educational systems to help our students choose the best learning opportunities to lead their dream careers.

We strive hard to bring in the best institutions and provide high-quality services that begin right from identifying suitable programs, completion of all documentation and processing of visas wherever applicable. We strive to serve as a one-stop solution for all your needs, we also provide English test preparation training by qualified, industry-driven faculties at a very affordable cost. At Academia “What We Say Is What We Deliver”.

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