Course details

The Graduate Certificate in Ethics (Health Care) is jointly coordinated by MDI, DCU Institute of Ethics and DCU School of Nursing and Human Sciences. This interdisciplinary course provides participants with knowledge, skills and competencies in the specialised area of Health Care Ethics to address various ethical issues, challenges and dilemmas that emerge in the daily context of the delivery of health care. Lectures are driven by a creative and active integration between theory and practice, which is facilitated by collaborative group learning, discussions, debate and analysis of various case scenarios.

The Graduate Certificate in Ethics (Health Care) is offered on a part-time basis over one year.

Who is this programme for?

The programme is specifically targeted towards nursing and medical professionals and other allied health care practitioners who are interested in learning about ethics in general and health care ethics in particular. It would also be of interest to those who sit on research ethics committees and clinical ethics committees. The course addresses a number of topics including:

  • Advocacy
  • Autonomy and Consent
  • Concept of Care
  • Ethical Theories
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Principles & Frameworks
  • Human Dignity and Human Rights
  • Moral Concepts, Reasoning & Argumentation
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Resource Allocation
  • Technology in Health Care

Programme Modules

The programme is of a modular design. Participants will be required to complete three 10-credits taught modules:

  • Introduction to Ethics
  • Health Care Ethics
  • Global Bioethics

Introduction to Ethics

This module provides an introduction to ethics to enable course participants to further explore key contemporary ethical issues. It examines how ethical theories, value systems and principles influence ethical decision-making and provide frameworks for ethical reasoning and analysis.

Health Care Ethics

This module provides a comprehensive overview of the field of health care ethics. The nature of health care and the ethical dimension of health care practice are examined; as will key concepts which are said to underpin clinical practice in medicine, nursing and allied disciplines.

Global Bioethics

This module examines contemporary bioethical issues and develops further skills in applying ethical theories and models to practical settings. The module applies various ethical principles to contemporary bioethical issues, exposing students to a broad range of topical problems.

Stand Alone Modules

It is possible to take ETH5A Introduction to Ethics as a stand-alone module for audit or credit. A limited number of spaces is available for auditing other modules on the programme. Please contact Programme Coordinator Dr Alan Kearns for more information.

Who will deliver the programme?

The course is delivered by:

  • Academic staff from Mater Dei Institute of Education
  • Academic staff from DCU Institute of Ethics
  • Academic staff from DCU School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course of study for this award, a graduate will be able to:

Demonstrate a systematic understanding of a broad range of ethical theories, value systems and principles that are at the forefront in the field of Health Care Ethics.

Display a critical awareness of contemporary issues facing health care professionals together with new ethical insights developed and informed by a variety of philosophical and ethical perspectives.

Apply and appraise various frameworks for dealing with ethical problems, challenges and dilemmas so as to be able to act and respond in a wide and often unpredictable professional context of health care.

Awards Available

Upon successful completion of this programme of study, the Graduate Certificate in Ethics (Health Care) is awarded by Dublin City University (Level 9 of the National Framework of Qualifications).

Entry Requirements

The general criteria for entry to this taught postgraduate programme is that applicants normally hold an honours primary degree and/or a professional qualification with significant work experience.

Updated on 08 November, 2015
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