Udemy GoPro Studio Master Class - learn every feature and function Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    This course is about getting you upto speed fast in GoPro Studio, GoPro's free edit suite.

    Our world class video course will build your confidence in producing and creating stand out videos to share with the world. With every button, control and setting broken down into easy to follow instruction to get you up to speed fast, rather than weeks or months of endless trial and error.

    The course is brocken down into 9 sections covering everything that GoPro Studio has to offer.

    This course offers over 41 videos totalling over 110 minutes of professional, high-quality guidance right to your desktop computer or laptop.

    If you have a GoPro and don't know where to start with editing your footage or have paid hundreds of $'s for a GoPro thats been left in a drawer un-used, you need to take this course!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017

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