Course details

Why pay for your spreadsheet software when you can get it for FREE?

It's a great alternative to Microsoft Excel without the cost.

Google Spreadsheets is a web-based spreadsheet application created by Google that allows you to create and edit your spreadsheet files online in real-time with other users.

In Google Spreadsheets, because your files are stored online:

  1. Your data is always backed up, and you don't have to worry about losing it if something happens to your computer
  2. You can access your files from anywhere and work from anywhere
  3. You and your team can work on any of your files together at the same time across teams, companies and locations.
  4. Automatically get upgrades of the software without having to buy it or even install it

This "Google Spreadsheet Tutorial: Learn How to Use Google Spreadsheetcourse introduces you to the different functions and features of Google Spreadsheets, going through each process step by step from the very beginning.

By the end of the Google Spreadsheet tutorial course, you will be able to:

  1. Manage, Use, Upload and Download your files from Google Drive
  2. Create, Edit, Delete and Print Spreadsheets
  3. Format the contents and change your spreadsheet's layouts
  4. Create and Use Formulas and Functions
  5. Create and Edit Charts
  6. Share and Work on your spreadsheets together with your teammates using real-time collaboration tools like chat, comments, and discussion threads
  7. Go back to previous versions of your spreadsheet if you need to

Take this Google Spreadsheet Tutorial course now and learn how to use Google spreadsheet as a free effective alternative.


Updated on 30 December, 2017
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