Udemy Golf Course Lighting Design using Dialux Udemy
Price: AED 734
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course is for intermediate level lighting designer.

This shortcoursewill discuss how to run a lighting design calculation for golf course project. The software to be used are Dialux 4.13 and Sketchup. It is also necessary that the student knows how to use AutoCAD software, at least basic.

There are step by step guide on how to easily do the lighting calculation. Get the right lux level (both horizontal and vertical)and overall uniformity as per the standard (LG4).

There are also free reference materials for further reading and sample projects for the students to see how the finished project looks.

This is a fun and easy to follow tutorials, so lets just learn and enjoy together.

See you in the on-line classroom!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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