Course details


  • Introductions
  • How to improve communication with teams
  • Communications styles – understanding why get on with some people better than others
  • Declutter the mind to help focus on whats important to you
  • Mindset – how your Reticular Activating System works
  • Magpie Technique
  • How to achieve a goal that you are not sure where to start
  • How your “environment” helps
  • Define your Goals
  • Action Plan
  • Allocating actions to team
  • Managing your time more effectively
  • How to achieve your goals after leave training workshop


  • This is a highly interactive and participative course with participants creating a personal action plan.


A practical and interactive workshop, the course is designed for owner managers and senior staff who would like to set a clear agenda for the next three months.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About ISME Skillnet

ISME, the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association, is the only independent representative association for Small and Medium Enterprises and currently has in excess of 8,750 members nationwide. Uniquely in Ireland, ISME is independent of big business, big banks and government and gives voice to the issues facing SME owner-managers.
ISME is owned, funded and managed by SME owner-managers, representing the sector through its almost 9,000 members. Therefore they can rightly claim to be the true independent voice of the Irish SME. ISME is a not for profit membership organisation whose National Council is made up of elected owner-managers of SMEs from all over Ireland and from a variety of sectors.
ISME exists to support SME owner-managers by lobbying on their behalf, providing advice and information, and offering discounts on products and services through Discount Schemes. ISME also provides a number of opportunities for business networking through events and training and to do business with other ISME members via the Member to Member area of the theybsite.
The tax-deductible membership is a cost-effective way for SME owner-managers to network with like-minded business people and to be continually updated on issues that impact on their business.
The mission of ISME, the independent organisation for the Irish Small & Medium business sector, is to:
  • To represent the best of what is best in the SME sector.
  • To anticipate and decisively articulate the needs of the sector.
  • To be vigilant, decisive, and direct in defending the interests of all small and medium businesses.
  • To be beholden to no interests, other than the members.
  • To ensure that what is urgent does not detract from what is important to the members.
  • To help members better manage their business through the provision of accurate, timely and pertinent information.
  • To drive down members costs through the co-ordinated strength of the sector.

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