- Duration: 1 Hour
Course details
Generating Creative and Innovative Ideas: Verifying and Building on Ideas
Generating creative ideas can be a very exciting and stimulating process. This is particularly true during the initial stages of idea generation, when many adopt an 'anything goes' approach. Later, however, the workability of ideas needs to be verified, or checked. Ideas are more likely to be relevant and useful when they have been assessed in the context of organizational needs, strategies, and resources. Some techniques that can help verify ideas are getting the opinions of key people and using simulations. Building on ideas continues the process of verifying ideas by helping to make those ideas more clear, relevant, and feasible. This course covers a variety of techniques used to verify and build on creative ideas. It outlines when to use research and when to use simulations to check the workability of an idea. In addition, it discusses ways to build on ideas effectively. Materials designed to support blended learning activities aligned with this course are available from the Resources Page.
- match each stage of the creative process with the description of its purpose
- determine which method to use to verify the workability of an idea in a given scenario
- identify statements that describe the purpose and activities of the verifying stage of the creative process
- use criteria for evaluating a build to determine the best proposed build for a given idea
- identify criteria-based questions that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a suggestion made to build on an idea
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USD 98Duration: 1 To 2 Months