Course details

  • Explaining Java Technology
  • Describe key concepts of the Java programming language.
  • List the three Java technology product groups.
  • Summarize each of the seven stages of the product life cycle.
  • Analyzing a Problem and Designing a Solution
  • Analyze a problem using object-oriented analysis.
  • Design classes from which objects will be created.
  • Developing and Testing a Java Technology Program.
  • Identify the four components of a class in the Java programming language.
  • Use the main method in a test class to run a Java technology program from the command line.
  • Compile and execute a Java technology program.
  • Declaring, Initializing, and Using Variables
  • Identify the use the syntax for variables and define the syntax for a variable.
  • List the eight Java programming language primitive data types.
  • Declare, initialize, and use variables and constants according to Java programming language guidelines and coding standards.
  • Modify variable values using operators.
  • Use promotion and type casting.
  • Creating and Using Objects
  • Declare, instantiate, and initialize object reference variables.
  • Compare how object reference variables are stored in relation to primitive variables.
  • Use a class (the String class) included in the Java Software Developer Kit (SDK).
  • Use the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE[TM]) class library. specification to learn about other classes in this application programming interface (API)
  • Using Operators and Decision Constructs
  • Identify relational and conditional operators.
  • Create if and if/else constructs.
  • Use the switch construct.
  • Using Loop Constructs
  • Create while loops
  • Develop for loops
  • Create do/while loops
  • Developing and Using Methods
  • Describe the advantages of methods and define worker and calling methods.
  • Declare and invoke a method.
  • Compare object and static methods.
  • Use overloaded methods.
  • Implementing Encapsulation and Constructors
  • Use encapsulation to protect data.
  • Create constructors to initialize objects.
  • Creating and Using Arrays
  • Code one-dimensional arrays.
  • Set array values using length attribute and a loop.
  • Pass arguments to the main method for use in a program.
  • Create two-dimensional arrays.
  • Implementing Inheritance
  • Define and test your use of inheritance.
  • Explain abstraction.
  • Explicitly identify class libraries used in your code.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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