Contractual Risk Management and Claims under Standard Forms Of Contract (Fidic) Oman Society of Engineers
Price: OMR 600

    Course details

    Course Overview
    Participants will gain experience and understanding of the essential skills of understanding the negotiations stages and the tender procedures, writing contract concisely and clearly. The training will include Introduction to the FIDIC family, Conditions of Contract for Construction (The "Red Book"), The Contract Documents, Obligations and responsibilities of the Employer, the Contractor and the Engineer, Contract Administration and Procedures. Quality and Defects+ Read More

    About Oman Society of Engineers

    Oman Society of Engineers (OSE) is a non governmental and non-for-profit organization established in 2001 by a Ministerial Decision No. 186/200. The Society seeks to advance all matters related to engineers, as a profession, in Oman.
    The Society is serving the engineering community and contributing to the development of Oman. The Society is open for all engineering disciplines and to the both Omani and expatriate engineers working in Oman. The Society is run by volunteers from diverse organizations and industries.
    It is governed by a constitution and is run on non-profit basis with training programs and other activities as well as sponsorship fees as the main revenue sources. Its' set objectives and strategy include regulating engineering practices & supporting the need & rights of engineers, contributing to the industrial & architectural development of Oman, working towards strengthening scientific & technical ties with all engineers in Oman, in the region and internationally.
    OSE provides training, promote engineers professional development schemes in the Sultanate, and provides and environmental for networking, exchanging the knowledge and strengthening the relationships between members.

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