Ubunifu College Fundamentals of Data Science Ubunifu College
Price: AED 1,094
  • Timings: Enquire

Course details

Module 1 - Defining Data Science
What is data science?
There are many paths to data science
Any advice for a new data scientist?
What is the cloud?
"Data Science: The Sexiest Job in the 21st Century"
Module 2 - What do data science people do?
A day in the life of a data science person
R versus Python?
Data science tools and technology
Module 3 - Data Science in Business
How should companies get started in data science?
Tips for recruiting data science people
"The Final Deliverable"
Module 4 - Use Cases for Data Science
Applications for data science
"The Report Structure"
Module 5 -Data Science People
Things data science people say
"What Makes Someone a Data Scientist?"
  Updated on 10 February, 2020

Eligibility / Requirements

Interest in data science and O levels

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Big Data Analyst , Data Entry Agent , Data Security Engineer

About Ubunifu College

Ubunifu College is market driven model of higher education delivering competency-based certifications consistently to produce brilliant talent on cutting edge technologies such as Software Engineering, AI, Data Science, Robotics & Blockchain. Ubunifu is a hybrid of a University, a coding bootcamp and a startup accelerator.

Our focus is to develop students’ capacity to innovate by constantly immersing them into a vigorous study exercise that simulates real world problem solving challenges. Students join with an idea of what they want to build at the end of their study and our job is to focus on helping them achieve their dreams by creating tech strartup companies out of their ideas. At Ubunifu, students don’t graduate with certificates and hats but they graduate when they launch their startup to market. We also have a Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development known as Ubunifu Labs. Here we do research on some problems facing the general consumer market and offer viable solutions.

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